Tuesday, February 4, 2014

SHERIFF Richard Mack at "Reclaim America Now Coalition"\
recorded/written by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart
Resurrect the Republic TRUTH Radio Expose'

Sheriff Richard Mack, C.S.P.O.A./Oath Keepers
on the "citizenship", government, and the Constitution. All we need is a few good men such as this 
to follow and get behind. It is long passed time that we "get involved" and form "Sheriffs Posses"
not to attack or overthrow anything, but to preserve and defend the State rights and sovereignty of the respective states. We must stand for Constitutional Republican Independence, and accept no defeat to this end. Peacefully stand our ground, not wishing ever to fight brother against brother.
on http://resurrecttherepublic.com and on
which is my YouTube Channel for UPCOMING and PAST GUESTS
check out our other channels

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