Monday, December 1, 2014


This Mother has had enough and is there to take the Katy ISD School Board, and their departure from their apparent Oaths of Office. They swore an Oath to support the Supreme Law, protect it and defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic, all the while the domestic enemies were among us as Foxes in Sheep's clothing.


Thomas Lacovara & Bruce Ray Riggs are the hosts of the

Resurrect The Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam Truth radio Broadcast

Editor in Chief of the Patriot News Release & RTR Truth Media RTR NEWS, and represents OCCUPY MARINES as well as the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN).

They are both Historical / Constitutional Law & History Researchers & Investigators.

They have uncovered and outlined a "methodical and obvious" usurpation of the rights of the "people" of the country that is now being called what it is but a bankruptcy occurred and an unlawful CORPORATION has risen up in the name of, acting as, and in defiance of the Constitution for the United States and its Sovereign States. The research we provide also provides a solution to the problem, without the need of a Constitutional Convention that many who come in our name seek to really undermine and destroy whatever hope we have left at avoiding inclusion in finality of this One World United Nations, International Monetary Fund Federal Reserve about to switch its identity bunch of CRIMINAL BANKSTERS

WE OWE NO ONE ANYTHING it has all been a crime upon the people.......




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Wednesday, October 1, 2014


the MAGNA CARTA was signed UNDER DURESS - the only RIGHTS you have are from the CREATOR !

What are the three city states and do they rule the world?

The flag in Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington's District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.

When congress passed the act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the constitution.

If you take a moment to study some signed treaties and charters between the United States and Britain, you will find that the United States has always been a British crowned Colony. In 1606, King James (yes, the King James who revised the bible) signed the charter of Virginia. The charter granted Americas British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.

In 1783, the Paris peace treaty was signed. This treaty identifies the King of England as the prince of the United States contradicting the belief that America won the war of independence. And although King George III of England gave up most claims over his American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payments for his business ventures of colonizing America. If America won the war of independence, why would the agree to pay reparations to the king.

When the 13th amendment to the constitution was passed, the U.S. president was made subservient to the King of England. The 13th Amendment (the title of nobility amendment) forbids U.S. officials from using royal titles like king, or prince. For some strange reason though, the 13th amendment which was ratified in 1810 no longer appears in current copies of the U.S. constitution.

The war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into debt slaves of the king. In 1812, the British torched and burned the white house and all U.S. government buildings to the ground, destroying many ratification records of the U.S. constitution.

Then, nearly a century later, a corrupt U.S. congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburgs federal reserve act of 1913, handing over Americas gold and silver reserves (and total control of Americas economy) to the federal reserve bank. Most Americans still believe the FED is owned by the government, but it is not. The FED is a privately owned banking system whose majority class A shareholders include the Rothschild's, Warburgs, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller's and the Lehman brothers.

Most U.S. citizens believe the United States is a country and the president is its leader, but the U.S. is not a country, it is a corporation, and the president is not our leader, he is the president of the corporation of the U.S. The president, along his elected officials work for the corporation, not for the American People.

So, who owns the giant U.S. corporation? Like Canada and Australia, whose leaders are prime ministers of the queen, and whose land is called crowned land, the U.S. is just another crowned colony. Crowned colonies are controlled by the empire of the three city states. Thus, the U.S. is controlled by the three city states.

Let's get into some symbolism. At the center of each city state are giant phallic shaped stone monuments called obelisks. In D.C. the obelisk is known as the Washington monument. It was dedicated to George Washington by the Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. The secretive brotherhood of Freemasons laid the Washington obelisks cornerstone in 1848 and contributed 22 masonic memorial stones. 250 masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the knights templar masonic order.


more info:

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


RTR TRUTH MEDIA – COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS on the INFILTRATION and INFESTATION of TRAITORS among our own Government and in the Governments of the other nations,some of which are allies,and individuals are members in many  CLUBS or LODGES….
Free Masons…..who have SWORN A BLOOD OATH at the END OF A SWORD… stand by and for each other FIRST ! And this is why we are so unable to win…..they pose as our FRIENDS !   Stop being divided by faiths and DNA.....these are mere walls of protection for some....not all.

–    This is PROOF POSITIVE that the US GOVERNMENT & ISRAEL are and have been “instigating” a PROXY WAR against RUSSIA…..which is slightly disturbing considering PUTIN, is making FAR MORE SENSE than our own politicians when he said ……is it seriously a good idea to back individuals who eat the hearts of their enemy?  BUT It isn't the "Jewish People" that is so much behind this as it is what I believe is the FREEMASONS, and they are of EVERY race and creed.....and ideology. But they are all beholden to each other. Watch the film. And understand that a "Turkish", or any other kind of Freemason goes through a ceremony by which a sword is held to their chest and they swear never to betray and to always come to the aid of a brother MASON regardless of anything......and if you give up the secrets DEATH is certainly implied and it is certainly understood. And from bridges we have seen bankers hung.
               It is essential to realize that there is a cabal of “Internationalists”, and       “Freemasons”…….we have reason to believe that these Lodges are engaged in Satanic Luciferianism, and plotting the goal of the merging of the religions of all of the Nations of the World to be merged into ONE WORLD ORDER !    And the lengths by which they are willing to go, KNOWS NO LOYALTY to COUNTRY but ONLY to each other and that of their brethren…….and those below 33rd Degree, HAVE LITTLE CLUE that of what is above them until it is FAR TOO LATE…….and they are FAR TOO INVOLVED…….and if they turn, they are KILLED !      Period !
This is why LOYALTY to any one nation without question is not only treasonous, but the ones at the top KNOW IT !
There is such strong protection over Israel that we can not attack the FreeMason in the lead seat Benyamin Netanyahu…… he is just like George Bush the Skull and Bonesman…..just like John Kerry…….just like Ted Cruz, whose wife is an EXECUTIVE at Goldman Sachs, a Rockefeller/Rothschild partner, and the same individuals that are responsible for the taxes and unlawful; un-Constitutional attacks in the form of the Health Care law, are the same ones that we support and that support our enslavement.
It pissed me off that Ted Cruz would walk out on a bunch of Christians who were angry about the deaths of Christians in the Middle east but because they are upset over the loss of life and did not want their event turned into rallying support for the State of Israel because of the anti-Christian sentiment and the Israelis open support of this policy, they are upset …..AS ANY CHRISTIAN SHOULD BE……but this Israel RIGHT OR WRONG…….is NOT even supported by the bible…… even if Christ did not say that they who rejected the son rejected the father and were CUT OFF of the PROMISE by which makes Israel “chosen by God”, and even though most Christians have been duped by a 200 year old Jewish born Atheist named Theodore Hertzl who plotted and openly planned the Holocaust stating that it was necessary for there ever to be a “Racially Pure Jewish State’…….excuse me Christians…..that butts us out……and WE are those who are the heirs to the promise ……Now…..the reason I mention this… NOT to convert or convince anyone……this is simply supported by New Testament Scripture….. as Jesus faced the Most Holy men of all Israel…… and they claimed to be the “children of Abraham”…….and Christ looked straight at them and said…..
I know you are OF Abraham……but my Fathers law lives not within you…… if you were Abrahams children you would LOVE me ….yet you seek to KILL ME…… no…..I am of THE Father… are of YOUR father, a liar from the beginning…..
He also told them by means of the written laws of these men which is quite obviously the Talmud…..this came from Babylon……and anyone who knows what happened and was happening in babylon was deeply evil.    This “culture’ was not all Jews … fact it was not nearly all the Jews but a corruption of the pure Judaic faith…….Only the TORAH, is of God to the most pure Jews……mostly all of the Jewish Extremists that come out of Israel are either of this faith or Atheists…..and NO ……not all Atheists…….. but what is relevant about this … that anyone who is an Atheist who backs a government who has TAKEN LAND from another.,…..who does not believe in God……is ONLY doing this for PURE RACIAL SUPERIORITY BASED ON NOTHING but that EXTREME……..and it is the DEFINITION of RACISM…… this is so absolutely obvious ……that it is painful,   absolutely painful that anyone would even dare say I was a hater……I am exactly THE OPPOSITE of being a hater. I point out the ones who cloak themselves in a fraudulent protection of bullying defaming and inaccurate attacks against others for telling the truth. These people responsible are responsible for the deaths of thousands upon THOUSANDS…….UPON MILLIONS…….UPON BILLIONS>>……..are you understanding the absolute imperative nature by which we need to awaken the masses ?

New World Order Quotes – 1950 – 2009
David Rockefeller QUOTE :
Rockefeller – War is for Profit – Central Banks are for War Finance
Webster Tarpley: There Is No War On Terrorism
Snowden Documents Revealed: ISIS Caliphate working for America and Israel.







                                                      says the German Prime Minister (President)

When we see these things happening around the world we do not want to forget. It is the "people" that get caught up in this globally orchestrated meltdown of "biblical" proportions. Edward Snowden's revelations have shaken the world, and now the actions of the intelligence community are shaken to their foundations. Once very trusted relationships, have devoted into distrust and anger. As well they should. Personally, as long as my country is involved in dropping bombs upon peoples heads, as often as we have discovered we have been repeatedly lied to, and we do nothing.......then we will deserve what we get. Not me. I for one am FINISHED with the racket known as war.....if I fight, let it be in a righteous REVOLUTION to rid ourselves of the corrupt internationalists......the "globalists"......and RESTORE the Constitutional rule of law.

PATRIOT NEWS RELEASE - Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart - RTR Truth Media: WOLFGANG HALBIG : 11,000 page SANDY HOOK “script”/...

PATRIOT NEWS RELEASE - Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart - RTR Truth Media: WOLFGANG HALBIG : 11,000 page SANDY HOOK “script”/...: Wolfgang Halbig: 11,000 page Sandy Hook “script”/ CT State Police gave false affidavits by Wolfgang Halbig with Jim Fetzer “[S]ince terrori...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


What more is needed ? I have, along with so many more, professionals, engineers, architects, and brother Fire Fighters that all knew high rise fires, and granted this was an extreme, however these towers were designed to resist an impact coupled with Building 7 also known as the Solomon Building, as well as Building 6 that basically vaporized. And now it appears as though explosives were ABSOLUTELY used. It is time for trials. It is time that we hold accountable the individuals who sent our nations finest to war against the enemy of his father. We have more than enough to demand trials !

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Resurrect the Republic TRUTH Radio PRESENTS: END THE FED FRIDAY

Resurrect the Republic TRUTH Radio Broadcast PRESENTS : END THE FED FRIDAY
Enjoy this episode of truth about the Federal Reserve International and "private" bank. Our enslaved nation as debt slaves are no a free people. The dis appearance of the 13th Amendment and the FRAUD of the 14th Amendment and its lie for a purpose, that freed no one but truly enslaved us as "subjects to the jurisdiction" of the "reconstructed" and very "corporate" United States, as the definition of that very body no longer means country, but the corporation of Britain, which is why the King funded both sides of the Revolutionary War. We have been deceived. There were good founders an I suspect some that were not, but I know the principles by which the common Law premise is established. We can empower our state sovereignty, and still employ the Federal government, but for the TRUE reason the government exists , which is to preserve the liberty of the people, and by the people I mean "human individuals"

SHERIFF Richard Mack at "Reclaim America Now Coalition"\
recorded/written by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart
Resurrect the Republic TRUTH Radio Expose'

Sheriff Richard Mack, C.S.P.O.A./Oath Keepers
on the "citizenship", government, and the Constitution. All we need is a few good men such as this 
to follow and get behind. It is long passed time that we "get involved" and form "Sheriffs Posses"
not to attack or overthrow anything, but to preserve and defend the State rights and sovereignty of the respective states. We must stand for Constitutional Republican Independence, and accept no defeat to this end. Peacefully stand our ground, not wishing ever to fight brother against brother.
on and on
which is my YouTube Channel for UPCOMING and PAST GUESTS
check out our other channels